My page initially had three tremendously long stories, all of which were accompanied by photos. The Hallmark story had one associated photo, little red book had three or four and the streaking story had quite a few copies of old Red and Black pages. To fit all the stories on the page, it was immediately clear that I would have to be very selective on which pictures made it into the design.
The Red and Black pages were bland and difficult to see, so they were immediately cut. For the little red book story, I wanted to use a picture that hinted at how many people were involved with the publication. As the Hallmark story only had one picture, the choice was easy.
It was apparent that I would have to cut huge amounts of the stories to get them all to fit. The streaking story was especially long, and in my personal opinion not very interesting. Luckily I caught I break and was able to replace that story with a jump from the front page about social media. As this was only half a story, it gave me considerably more space to work with.
After editing the stories down (and adding another picture with my new-found room), I tried to find a way to alter the appearance of the page. As it was, I had both stories on the right fitting into four columns, and I felt the page was running together because of it. Experimenting with a different number of columns in both stories was fruitless so I added a rule and some more white space to create distance between the two stories.
I'm pretty happy with the way the page turned out, though I do think it is a little bland. Shorter stories and ad space would have helped make the page more interesting in my opinion.
I like how you designed the fashion magazine story. Jumping between columns is a little bit difficult, but I think it's worth it because you created a cool, original shape for the article. I like how the pictures work together, and I think it works even though it's not a traditional L or U shape.