Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Unknown Missing Guy Still Missing...

It's 10:25 Tuesday morning. Do you know where Patrick McDermott is? Furthermore, do you even know WHO he is?
Imagine my surprise this morning when this is what CNN had to offer me. The picture and accompanying story scored prime news real estate alongside the story bar on CNN's homepage.

Apparently this guy, one-time boyfriend of Sandy from Grease, disappeared from a yacht...in 2005. So why is this on CNN three and a half years later? As far as I can tell, the story offers no updates. It reports he has supposedly been sighted in a town in Mexico, but no time is given for the sightings. Soon after he disappeared or a few days ago? The Coast Guard says the investigation is officially closed.

I could certainly understand this being featured if the investigation had recently been re-opened due to new evidence or eyewitness account, but this is not the case. I cannot fathom why this story is so featured. I would rather it be Chris Brown and Rihanna...at least that is a current event regarding celebrity pairings.

I could even understand this story being featured alongside a story about people faking deaths to avoid financial obligations, but I see no such tie.

The story says it was updated about two hours ago, but again, I see no information relevant to 2009.

I feel for this story, timeliness is not the only issue. I feel prominence should factor in as well. He used to work as a lighting technician and dated Oliva Newton-John, but even I, meticulous purveyor of celebrity news, had no idea who this guy was/is.

I think with other more newsworthy stories could have been placed in that position on CNN's homepage. Surely someone got a nice picture of Obama last night and a nice blurb from his news conference. Or perhaps a picture of Geitner and speculation of his pending announcement about the distribution of bailout funds.

CNN, you could have done better.  And you proved it.  

This is a much better call on CNN's part when it comes to news.  Peanut butter affects everyone...or at least college students generally.  It's timely and it can impact so many more people than Mr. Missing.   


  1. I assume the reason why it's on CNN now is because it's a cold case - therefore being featured on "Nancy Grace's COLD CASES." It's an old case that has not been solved and they are bringing it attention of the public, perhaps to get help or tips.

  2. Good catch Kathy. I'm sure there is a reason CNN featured this story, but it certainly would've been nice for them to explain that on the page. Paige, you're right on about the prominence they gave the story -- without explaining why they are reporting now -- is very awkward. Even then, news values suggest this certainly wouldn't be top news. But the least they owe the reader is an explanation as to why they are telling us this story now.
